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Mask: the protective shield that stands between you and the virus

Once again, the virus is spreading, and that also at a very rapid pace. Vaccination is the only solution but that will take time. Till then mask is the only protective shield that stands between you and the virus. But it’s surprising to see how people think that the protective shield is meant for others and not for them.

People with no mask are the first ones to be attacked
No mask so be ready to be attacked

The moment you step out of the house with the protective shield of the mask you are shocked to see that most of the people on roads and other public places carelessly wearing a mask on their chin. Based on the way people wear a mask I have tried to analyse their personalities.

The protective shield that people avoid wearing in public places

The virus attack
Mask filters out the virus

There are different reasons why people don’t wear a protective shield.

The Invincibles

The first category of people are those who are direct descendants of God. Whether it is a tsunami or a nuclear war, this category is indestructible. Just like a cockroach can survive a nuclear attack similarly these people can survive a corona attack. And like cockroach you can find them across the entire gamut of society; from the learned to the illiterates and from the high-income category to the poor.

The Blessed ones

These are the ones who have ventured into the virus territory and returned unharmed. In other words, these are people who got the virus but have recovered with the blessings of God. And now they are out roaming in public places without a mask to pass on the same blessings to everyone. A protective shield for them may become a hindrance in passing the blessings to others.

The ones with dementia

There is a third category who suffers from short-term memory loss. Such people will step out of the house knowing very well that wearing a mask is safe for them as well as for others. Still, they refuse to wear a mask, and if somebody confronts they try to excuse themselves by saying they forgot to wear it.

The Vaccinated ones

Vaccination is the protective shield
Super powerful after the vaccination

These are the lucky souls who just got vaccinated. And the moment they got the first jab they felt the power of a Spiderman. A power they acquired not by the spider bite but the jab needle. Jab or no jab, if you want to ensure complete protection, please do wear a mask as you don’t know the person next to you may be an asymptomatic one.

The Argumentative lot

Ready to fight if someone asks them to wear a mask
The argumentative lot always in a fight mode

While making human beings God forgot to insert a mute button in a set of people. This set of people are always in an argumentative mode. The Bhakts in India and the Trump followers in the USA will primarily qualify in this category. This argumentative lot will go to any length in presenting their case on why they are not wearing a mask. They have tremendous energy to argue with whether it is the RWA representative in a residential colony or the traffic police who stops them for not wearing a mask.

People who wear a mask on their chin

The Nostradamus generation

People with mask on chin seems that they can see the virus in air
The ones who can see the virus with naked eyes

These are a set of people who can see things in the future just like Nostradamus. They can see the striking virus in the air with naked eyes and are ready to pull the mask from their chin the moment they see it. Since such people have a special skill set of seeing the future one can approach them and ask them when the country will get virus-free. They will have an answer.

The beauty-conscious ones

The fashion diva ready to pull down their mask
Can you see my Lipstick colour

If you have recently purchased a new shade of lipstick then how will the world come to know that you are a fashion diva. The best way is to wear a mask on your chin. The world will appreciate the choice of your lipstick colour. But remember one thing that the thousands of admirers you are counting on are mostly hanging in the air, invisible to the naked eye, waiting to enter your nose just above your lips. On the other hand, the selfie lot who believes in clicking a picture with a pout wears a mask on a chin as if waiting for a covid bout.

The Health-conscious ones

Joggers with the protective shield in hand while running
Don’t worry I am carrying my mask

The ones walking or jogging in the morning are the ones who care a lot about their health. The irony is that they only care about their health. While brisk walking or jogging people are out of breath and generally pull the mask down their chin. They are like a steam engine huffing and puffing and spreading the steam in its surroundings which inhaled by the passers by  can make them a victim of the virus.

So let me just conclude: Wearing a mask is a must. To arrest the spread of disease you not only have to take care of yourself but also others. Wear a mask properly as that is the first protective shield against the virus.

You can read more such stories on my blog. Click on the following links:

The Quarantine story of the author infected by the coronavirus

How the Author became Mr. Know it all after recovering from Covid

To know more about the latest updates on the virus click on the following link: