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Graduating in Life

In life we all come with an expiry date. Being in job for many years my expiry on job front is still 6-7 years away. But recently my daughter got married and it seems suddenly that i have moved from being called an uncle to a grand uncle. My official social circle designation is father-in-law. Anyway, my wife’s situation is even worse. At the half a century mark she has become a mother-in-law. Both of us are finding it a bit peculiar. In my early twenties i was never a great hit among-st pretty looking girls but

Graduating in life
Animal life from an egg to a tadpole to a frog

always convinced myself that when i will have a great job the bees will automatically get attracted. But then as luck would happen never got an IIT-IIM kind of a job and that hope also evaporated. Gradually realizing my limitation settled early in life with a queen bee. And today when i compare myself to Jeff Bezos (age is the only commonality) who is planning to start a new innings once again after 25 years of marriage, i am finding myself sitting in an arm chair reading news about him in various tabloids and feeling a bit jealous. The only solace i get is that i don’t have to part with US$ 35 billion as i have none.

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