A married couple’s first day in heaven
This is a story of a couple who left for heaven on the same day by sheer coincidence. The couple’s experience on their first day in heaven was eye-opening for the entire world.
The journey on the first day to heaven started with the couple traveling toward a white light that led them to a beautiful gate decorated with flowers and fountains. The guards at the gate asked them for identification – Aadhar, PAN card, Passport, or a voter ID card. The husband was smart as he had worked in the corporate sector his entire life. He took all the important documents with him. The wife on the other hand didn’t carry a single document and got stuck at the gate. She started arguing with the guards. The guards were taken aback. Nobody had behaved with them in such a rude fashion on their first day in heaven.
Where is your ID?
On being told by the guards that this is a basic requirement to enter the world of the afterlife, she starts blaming the husband as he is supposed to carry all the documents. The guards while still arguing with the wife allowed the husband to enter. But the wife was not willing to leave him. The husband told her that at least in the afterlife she should set him free. But the wife was just not ready to budge. The wife gave the guards a simple solution. Why not go for facial recognition? After all, these are days of artificial intelligence and biometric identification will help her prove her credentials.
The guards liked the idea and asked the wife to face a camera. However, every time the camera scanned the face the system screen showed a 404 error saying “Match not found”. A technical assistant was called to find a check on the 404- error. The assistant finally could identify the problem. He said the original face God gave you has changed drastically over the years, especially with the make-up and plastic surgery. Hence the system is unable to recognize you. But don’t worry since it is your first day in heaven, we will make an exception and give you an entry pass.
On the first day in heaven, the couple gets a statement of sins and good deeds
The couple on entering heaven were expecting to stand in front of a divine power who would list all the good deeds and the sins they had committed in their lifetime on earth. Accordingly, they will come to know whether they get to stay in heaven or shift to hell. Instead, they were shocked when they found themselves standing in a room with camera hangings from all corners of the ceiling. A huge 98” QLED 4K ultra-HD smart screen was on one of the walls.
The screen had a “Welcome” screen saver. An instruction was given to press “1” if they want to listen in English and to press “2” if they want to listen in their local language. Press “3” for subtitles.
The Report Card of the husband
The husband took the initiative to press the instructions on the touch screen. The moment he entered the required fields, the screen started playing his entire life from birth till the last days. There were points given for each good deed in plus. On the other hand, there was a negative marking for all the sins committed.
The result came positive for the husband and he was satisfied with his report card. He was just thinking in his mind that it was not a bad result considering it was his first day in heaven.
The husband was ranked positively on the following points:
- Working hard in the office despite unfair treatment by the boss.
- Loving and caring for his family.
- Being the bread-earner of the family.
- Taking care of his old parents.
- Taking his pet dog every day for a walk day in and day out and feeding him
- Being a silent listener to his wife and never getting into arguments with her.
However, on certain parameters, he was given negative points:
- Eyeing other girls despite having a beautiful wife.
- A secret visit to Thailand with friends.
- Not keeping his promise to his first crush and marrying someone else.
- Promoting sycophants over meritocracy in the workplace.
- Never appreciating wife’s cooking skills.
It was the wife’s turn to be judged on her first day in heaven
The wife was very nervous and perspiring hoping that she had more good deeds than sins in her lifetime. She also wanted to go to heaven on her first day. But being argumentative was one of her inherent traits. As soon as the screen started showing her childhood, she questioned how authentic the data was as she was not able to recall certain glimpses of childhood shown to her.
Immediately she got a reply on the speakers attached to the room. Ma’am all the data is very authentic as it is vetted by the Artificial Intelligence system created by Google’s Deep Mind. The entire data is stored in the Cloud. AWS – Amazon Web services is responsible for uploading the entire data on Its Cloud services. The system can’t be hacked as Palo Alto system a leading cyber security company keeps it safe from hackers. The wife had no option but to go through the results.
She was awarded plus points on the following acts in her lifetime:
- She took good care of the family and created a strong bond between them.
- Her daughter and son got a good education.
- She loved her parents and sister and attended to all their needs.
- The maids in her house respected her as she was always kind to them.
- She stood by her friends whenever they needed her support.
- Despite not having such a healthy relationship with the in-laws she took good care of them.
However, she scored more negative points:
- Her argumentative nature landed her in trouble with her social circle
- Daily arguments with the spouse resulted in the husband getting stressed.
- Her lack of appreciation often resulted in children getting demotivated.
- A competitive nature created a rift with her sister and close friends.
- Her deep insecurity resulted in a toxic relationship with her sister-in-law.
- A knack for fashion often resulted in spending too much money on clothing and cosmetics.
- Her lack of understanding of finances resulted in poor savings in the bank.
- Getting easily influenced by social media experts often resulted in blowing money on unnecessary items for households.
- Self-obsession often resulted in posting too many selfies on Fb and Insta.
With the balance sheet in negative, the wife knew she was headed for hell. But she still had a trick up her sleeve. She started questioning every clip that the screen showed her from the past so much that the system got hanged. On rebooting, the system turned all her negatives into pluses and she ended landing up in heaven.
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